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Computer Equipment Disposal | Electronics Recycling
Computer Equipment Disposal and Electronics Recycling

      We dispose of many types of computer equipment and electronics! If you are located in our supported area , we will stop by and dispose of your equipment for free. If there is equipment or electronics, which you believe still holds value, we will generate a quote for you for free as well!

Please fill out our: Equipment Disposal Form

On-Site Support Covered Areas Near Evanston IL 60201 zip code
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Computer Equipment Disposal and Electronics Recycling

↓ Some of the items we dispose of (click to Expand/Hide) ↓

Computer ComponentsMotherboardsCPUs
Memory (RAM)Hard DrivesVideo Cards
Sounds CardsiPhonesBusiness Pones
CellPhonesHome PhonesPeripherals
ModemsRoutersExternal Drives
ElectronicsCircuit BoardsVintage Electronics

   In any condition!

      Going Green – Saving Environment! Every year, the world generates more than 50 million tons of electronic waste. The United States alone is responsible for nearly 10% of that waste according to the EPA. A recent study showed that 1 out of every 8 Americans owns a computer, and nearly 2/3 of all Americans own cell phones. That includes babies and many elderly people who don’t even know what cell phones are!

      Both Cellular Phones and Computers become outdated quicker than any other product on the market. Faster than cars, medicine and food combined. This is because of the alarming rate at which technology evolves. What was state-of-the art this year will be obsolete next year. So what do we do with all of this “old technology”? We don’t want to just throw it away and add to the infinite pile of waste in our backyards. And that is why we recycle it.